The Torbay Chess Congress
An annual congress held on the English Riviera
The Torbay Congress
Torbay Chess Congress
Torbay Chess Congress

Torbay Chess Congress - Enter by Post

Please consider entering online via this website:

  • No postal charges.
  • Quick and easy.
  • Immediate confirmation email.
  • You immediately appear on the list of entrants.
  • Secure - your credit card information is processed by PayPal and is not visible to this website.
  • Very positive feedback from players who entered orevious Congresses online.

However, if you would prefer to enter by post and pay by cheque, that's fine. You can download an entry form which you can print at home:

Some Past Players' Comments

Well organised and well chosen venue.
2018 Intermediate
Simply one of the very best tournaments on the weekend circuit. Hard to see where you could improve your very well run and enjoyable event. Well done!
2019 Intermediate
The whole Congress was excellent and very enjoyable. I would be very much less likely to enter if there were three games on the Saturday rather than as it is now.
2019 Foundation